calling young composers!
We are holding a composition competition for all composers aged 24 and younger!
- Composition submission deadline: Friday May 28th , 2021.
- Winner announced June 7th, 2021
- Composing workshop with David Braid Monday June 14th, 2021, evening TBA
Composition requirements:
- Duration of 3 minutes or less
- Use of motif written by Rosamunde guest faculty composer David Braid (see PDF link here)
- Written for string orchestra (Violin I/II, Viola, Cello, Double Bass) with technical skill level appropriate for high school level ensemble with one optional advanced violin soloist.
- Outside/inside divisi optional.
- Demonstrate knowledge of string instrumental technique (performance practice) and natural capabilities of the instruments.
- Demonstrate lyricism and rhythmic finesse that is suitable for a collaborative recording project.
- Extended techniques and/or graphic notation not suitable for this project
Submission deadline: Friday May 28th, including the $10 application fee, the required composition, the applicant’s biography and proof of date of birth.
First place winner receives $200 and recognition/publicity from Rosamunde Summer Music Festival and Academy. The winner and top 5 compositions will be announced June 7th. The piece will be recorded by Rosamunde students for a collaborative video project to be premiered at the end of the Academy session on August 27th.
Composers of the top 5 pieces will receive feedback on their entries via zoom on Monday June 14th, evening time TBA. This workshop will be made available to all Rosamunde students and will be open to the public. For more information please contact us.